This is everything you need to know about what you can and can’t do with Gratisography pictures:
What you CAN do with these pictures
Almost anything you can think of.
You may use Gratisography pictures as you please for both personal and commercial projects. You can adapt and modify the images and get paid for work that incorporates the pictures.
This includes advertising campaigns, adding your logo or text to an image, printed in any size print runs (e.g., book covers, magazines, posters, etc.), on your website, blog, or other digital mediums, and on merchandise as long as the picture itself is not the merchandise.
What you CAN’T do with these images
You can’t redistribute Gratisography pictures, including on other stock (paid or free) sites/apps, or give them to other people to use. You can’t claim the photos as your own or imply that Gratisography or any of the models, brands, or anything in the pictures has endorsed you or your product. Gratisography pictures can’t be used in pornographic, criminal, defamatory, hateful, degrading, unlawful, immoral purposes or to promote or sell illegal drugs, drug use, pornography, weapons, or prostitution.
It’s possible that some pictures may be subject to other intellectual property rights, such as trademark, publicity, or privacy rights. Gratisography does not represent or make any warranties that it owns or licenses any of these rights or can it grant them.
If you have doubts, especially for commercial projects, it is recommended to perform due diligence before using a questionable picture.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].